Introduce yourself
I'm Kirsty Bowen, President of Seven Hills WI in Sheffield. I work in Marketing.
Why did you become a member of the WI?
I became a member of the WI as I wanted to make new friends and have a go at all the cool things Seven Hills were up to!
How would you sum up your WI?
Seven Hills WI's ethos is all about women coming together, learning new things, making friends and helping others through our charity work.
Why would you encourage other women to get involved in the WI?
I'd encourage all women to get involved in the WI as it opens you up to a whole network of like-minded and interesting women. It's one of the cheapest hobbies you can have and if you're not involved, well frankly, you're missing out.
What are you most looking forward to as part of the WI centenary in 2015?
I'm most looking forward to Tea and Tents camping festival that I'm going to for the first time this year, our Annual meeting plus the plans that SHWI have got for our 100th year.