Introduce yourself
I'm Jen Thomson, a committee member of the Sotonettes WI which is based in Southampton city centre. I look after the website and social media for the Sotonettes but get involved in a bit of everything from hostessing meetings, entering competitions and planning the programme for the next year. When I'm not working on WI things, I am employed full time as an air traffic controller for NATS and am based at their control centre in Swanwick, Hampshire. I'm not sure which is more stressful!
Why did you become a member of the WI?
Back in January 2012, my other half got a one year contract to work in Spain. We both work shifts and we both realised that I probably wouldn't see him very much and I might be a bit bored and lonely. Just before he left for Spain, he spotted an advert for a new WI in Southampton which had it's first meeting in February. He thought it would be a good way to meet new people, take part in activities I was interested in and avoid boredom - he was right! After all that organisation, the contract only lasted a month but my WI membership has continued ever since!
How would you sum up your WI?
We consider ourselves a modern WI, but the modern part is more based on interests rather than age! The Sotonettes are a city centre WI that meets in the evening, so we tend to attract quite a lot of 20- and 30-something women but we've got a great mix of ages (and characters) that come along to our meetings. We like to be inspired by WI interests like flower arranging or dancing but with a 21st century twist - we're not often found sitting down listening to a speaker; we like to be up and at them with active meetings.
Why would you encourage other women to get involved in the WI?
I've met so many different people since I joined the WI three years ago and I've made some brilliant friends along the way; I know my social calendar would be a lot more dull without the Sotonettes. The WI is fantastic at introducing things that we might not have tried before - sometimes I've enjoyed meetings on subjects that I probably wouldn't have sought out myself. I'm also a keen crafter and the WI competitions give me a bit more focus and determination to improve my skills.
What are you most looking forward to as part of the WI centenary in 2015?
One of the centenary highlights has already taken place for us in Hampshire as the Centenary Baton passed through the Sotonettes' hands in January. I'm excited to see the WI get some more PR in the mainstream media and hope to welcome lots more WI newbies soon.