Week 39 - Derby Federation

This week the account is being managed by Linda Singleton (Trustee), Diane McHarg (vice chair) Chrisse Booth (chairman), Bernadette Davies (Vice Chair) and Joan Rowland (Trustee).

Introduce yourself
Alfreton WI - I have been president, but don't currently hold office. First joined WI in 1984. As a Federation Trustee, I am editor of our inhouse monthly newsletter. I chair our Media Hub sub-committee which covers PR, our newsletter, website, a monthly page in Derbyshire Life, and Social Media. I am also personally responsible for our Federation Facebook page and Twitter account, and also helping our WI's to do their own Facebook pages, and Twitter when they want that, (most only seem to want FB at the moment, but it's a start!). I'm newishly retired having been an insurance broker for many years.

Why did you become a member of the WI?
I moved to a small village way away from my family and friends (husband's job) with 2 children and another on the way. At 23 weeks pregnant there were complications and after being hospitalized for a week, I was sent home to take it easy. A knock on the door proved to be the president of our local WI,  home made cake in hand, saying that she'd heard I was in trouble, and could the WI help with my washing! When baby 3 arrived safely, of course I joined!!

How would you sum up your WI?
I have moved around a bit, and experienced  various WIs. Sadly in this one 2/3 of the members are largely unenthusiastic and elderly, although the two don't have to go together. There's work to be done, and things are improving.

Why would you encourage other women to get involved in the WI?
WI is such an important part of my life and has made  a huge difference to me personally, I can't think of any woman that wouldn't benefit in some way.

What are you most looking forward to as part of the WI centenary in 2015?

The Royal Garden Party. Having given up my ticket (sob) due to the over-subscription, I was lucky enough to get a cancellation, so I had a second chance. Closely followed up by the AGM screening which I watched with a local group of WI's in an hotel, with lunch etc laid on too. As the only Trustee there, I was asked to cut the cake. I didn't have the same struggle as the Queen!.